In an attempt to help publishers connect with wider audiences, Facebook announced a new toolbox which includes ways to target posts, remove posts that are no longer relevant and identify shareworty content.

Lets have a look at the new tools, as described by Facebook itself:

Interest Targeting– To help you reach precisely the right people, we now offer the ability to target posts to a subset of the people that like your Page. For example, a publisher can use Interest Targeting to post a story about a sports game that will only be shown to people that like the teams playing.

This is now available to all Pages that have enabled the Targeting and Privacy setting, and is currently only accessible on desktop.


Post End Date – Post End Date allows Page admins to specify a day and time to stop showing a post in News Feed. This tool prevents people from seeing out-of-date posts in News Feed, but posts will continue to appear on your Page. For instance, a publisher can use this to remove yesterday’s weather report from News Feed.

This is now available to all Pages that have enabled the Targeting and Privacy setting, and is currently only accessible on desktop.


Smart Publishing

For most publishers, finding interesting content that will be appreciated by fans is a challenging task. In addition, it’s really difficult to foresee which posts will perform well and which won’t. For this reasons, Facebook has created a new optional functionality that will show which links from your website are popular among your audience – even if you haven’t posted them on your Facebook page yet. These suggestions will appear on your fans’ newsfeeds and won’t appear on your page. Instead, you can access them through a new dashboard in Insights and choose the ones you actually want to post on your page. This option can be enabled by Page from the Publisher Tools section within Page settings, however it is only available to a small number of publishers.


Improvements to Insights

Accurate and actionable analytics are critical for media organizations to understand and optimize how their content is performing on Facebook. We’ve made a variety of improvements toDomain Insights to show how Pages and social plugins drive traffic to websites.

We’ve added a new Top URLs section, which displays URL-level reporting and shows when other Pages and influencers share a post you’ve made to Facebook. For example, if a celebrity shares one of your URLs, you’ll know why that URL may have reached more people than other URLs. We also made the interface more intuitive and provide a way to segment data for specific time ranges, including hourly.4UCMRexample-insights


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