10elementswebsite-UCME THESSALONIKIHave you been wanting to update your website? With the new year around the corner, there’s no better time than now to start preparing your website makeover. Not sure where to start planning? No worries! You’re in luck.

The featured infographic from QuickSprout’s blog is your website’s makeover blueprint.

There are 10 key elements that make a high quality website, according to the QuickSprout team:

  1. Relevance & Context
  2. Content Length
  3. Images & Video
  4. Grammar & Spelling
  5. Readability
  6. Formatting
  7. Expertise
  8. Social Media Shares
  9. Google Internal & External Links
  10. Quality of Comments

You know things like content, videos, and images are all important, but there has to be more to it, right?

There is!  For example, 79% of people scan web pages, so if you don’t know how to make your page optimally scannable, it won’t do well. And that’s just the tip of it… there are a ton of small things you need to do in order to create a high quality website.

Here are 10 of them:

qualitycontentinfographic_UCME THESSALONIKI